Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Resolutions

I really do not like New Year Resolutions. Why would anybody want to sit down and write a list of things they do not like about themselves or things they would like to change? Then only to be disappointed when they fall back into their inevitable ruts...

Well, I do it anyway. Yeah, that's right. I don't sit down though; I stand.

Seriously, it actually is really therapeutic to make mental or actual notes on ways that I can make myself better or my relationships better. I love organization and order, and for myself, I feel the best and happiest when my home and finances are in order. Needless to say, the top "resolutions" I made had to do with these issues. Josh and I need to watch our spending money. I need to spend less on groceries. I need to plan weekly menus. I need to work on paperwork/in our office at least once a week. We need to clean out under beds/in closets/cupboards. We need to downsize our possessions before we move.

I was slightly disappointed this afternoon to find my new years resolutions list from 2008 hanging on our cork board in the office this morning. Although the "moving" references were not on my list last year, everything else was.

So does this mean that for the entire year that was 2008 I did not make menus? Does this mean that I spent too much on groceries and too much on meaningless crap? Does this mean that my house is even more unorganized and loaded up with junk than this time last year? Basically, yes.

Also on the list last year was to eat healthier, work on relationship and exercise more. I think I will add those three to 2009 as well. This is exactly why I do not like New Years Resolutions. Oh well, at least I try, right?

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