Sunday, January 11, 2009

Goodbye Indiana, Hello UW

Thursday morning a strange thing happened in Seattle. Joshua was offered a radiology interview at his own school, the University of Washington. Yes, this is a very late offer. Yes, we had cursed UW often for not wanting Josh. Yes, I was kind of pissed because I am now loving the idea of moving.

Basically what happened is that Josh had been put on the UW waiting list. On Wednesday, some other med student out there decided that they did not want to interview at UW and that student cancelled their interview. That opened up a date and it was offered to Josh. Only problem was the interview date is January 16. Josh already had another interview that day in Indiana.

Both programs are really good. UW being slightly better. Josh agonized all day about what to do. I am serious. ALL DAY.

For those of you who do not know Josh all that well, let me fill you in. He HATES being put in a position where he is forced to make a decision about something that is so concrete. He is totally indecisive. Of course, there really was no right decision here, or a wrong decision, for that matter. There was just A decision. But still, Josh tortured himself all day (he tortured me too, by the way) going back and forth about which program to interview with and which one to turn down.

In the end, he chose UW.

Friday morning he awoke with a serious case of "The Regrets".

By Saturday "The Regrets" had gotten so bad that he actually accused me of being unsupportive. Excuse me? Moi? Unsupportive? Whoa, that is just too much, mister.

Luckily, I constantly tell myself that I am the most supportive wife alive. I usually do this after I pick up the tenth pair of dirty socks off the floor, changed the fourth poopy diaper of the day, and washed the dark blue cup and spoon a zillion times. (Dark blue is obviously the only color cup and spoon that civilized children will use.) Anyway, I make a mental list of my supportive qualities at least on a daily basis. This came in very handy.

After firing off a few star qualities that I possess, Josh quickly apologized. Well, not too quickly... about seven hours later.

But the point to remember here is this: he realized that he was wrong and that I am awesome. Oh yeah, and that I am supportive!


Becca said...

I told you! You are one of the most supportive wives I know.:)

Sarah said...

Hahaha!!! I related so well to this post that I had to laugh out loud! Truly I echo Becca, you're awesome!

Shauna said...

Sorry, this is Shauna the last comment was from me, I didn't realize I was logged in under my sister, Sarah. I'm staying the weekend at my mom's while Brannon is on the East Coast and I have a sore throat, yuck!

The Murray's said...

LOL, I was wondering about UW... Josh had said that he was disapointed in not getting an interview there. Told him he'd hear back from them!!!!