Monday, February 23, 2009

Claire's Hair

Let's just be honest and get it right out into the open; Claire has a mullet. Not too attractive on an adorable toddler. However, convenient for a pony-tail. Anyway, I got sick of her wispy locks and decided to make her the latest victim of my scissors.

Another confession: I stink at haircuts. Really, I do. Josh, bless his heart, gave me many opportunities to practice on his head. But after each attempt he had to rush to the nearest salon, looking rather silly.

But I actually think that I did a good job on Claire! Here is a picture of her before:

And here are the after shots:

By the way, I love this look that Claire is giving me. She was sick of me putting barrettes in her hair and taking her picture. It is a classic "Claire" look!

1 comment:

Becca said...

So cute, you're a natural. :)