Tuesday, September 23, 2008

She did it!

If you know Claire, you know that she does not eat fruit or vegetables. Nothing. She has this 6th sense if I try to sneak her something that is healthy. I tried telling her edamame were beans. Did not work. We tell her blueberries are candy. No success. But lo and behold, what is she doing in this picture? Is she actually reaching for her corn? Will she put it in her mouth?She did! And she liked it! Sure she dipped it in ketsup (ketsup is a vegetable right?)
Wow, I was so impressed. She ate up that corn so fast. And eventually she forgot to dip it in ketsup before she put it in her mouth. I made tuna for the first time last night, and Claire ate more tuna than anyone else at the table!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I knew it! Claire is related to me. She likes corn-y stuff.