Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Art Projects

Since Levi started preschool, I have kept a LARGE box full of all the art work that he has made throughout the year. Okay, so that is a little ridiculous. I guess I cannot keep a box full of art for each child for each grade! Although I have not been brave enough to toss the box (maybe next year), I did go through and pull out my favorite pieces.

I then bought six unfinished wooden picture frames that would eventually display Levi's artwork. I took the glass out and set out lots of paint and brushes and let him go for it. Once the frames were dry, I took his artwork and displayed them nicely in the frames. We then hung the frames in the hall going upstairs.

Here he is painting (in this picture he is actually painting a birdhouse for one of his teachers)

Here is the finished product:


The Murray's said...

Levi, what a little artist you are! How did you get so good at painting? You'll have to show Auntie Cyp how to paint when you come to my house to visit. Two weeks and one day big boy! I can't wait to see how big you've grown since I last saw you! I love you with all my heart, and keep on being such a good big brother to Claire! :)

Love, Auntie

Becca said...

I'm going to copy this idea, hope you don't mind. :)