With Levi and Claire at preschool this morning, I had a lot of time to myself. Now that it is over, I wish I had been more productive...
But I did get some blogging done, some dishes done, some Internet perusing done. As I was looking over my blog archives, I found some questions that I had asked Levi about me. It was almost a year ago exactly when I asked him the following questions. Here are his answers today:
What is something mom always says to you? "I love you."
What makes mom happy? "When I do good things. Like when I am punching and doing bad stuff, you don't like that."
What makes mom sad? "When I am bigger, I don't wanna have kids. That makes you sad. I don't wanna have kids, because I don't know how!"
How does mom make you laugh? "You tell me jokes, and it makes me laugh. Funny!"
How old is mom? "4"
How tall is mom? "As tall as my bed."
What is mom's favorite thing to do? "Go to work out."
What does mom do when you're not around? "You exercise and do stuff."
If mom was famous, what would she be famous for? "Sewing."
What is mom really good at? "You are really good at dancing."
What is mom not really good at? "You are bad at doing... hum... hum... mom... you are bad at... I need to think of something that Papa is good at and then that will be something that you are bad at. You are not good at playing doctor, are you?"
What does mom do for her job? "Watch us while papa goes to work."
What is mom's favorite food? "Sweet potato chips."
What makes you proud of your mom? "You clean and mop and do lots of stuff."
If mom was a cartoon character, who would she be? "Bob, no Wendy."
What do you and your mom like to do together? " We go to the beach and do stuff."
How are you and your mom the same? "We are both white, and Bitty and Papa are tan."
How are you and your mom different? "I am smaller, and you are bigger. That is how we are different. And you have more freckles than me."
How do you know your mom loves you? "You cook dinner a lot."