Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Graham cracker crumbs

This morning at work, one of the children dropped a whole graham cracker on the floor. After several children walked over it (on accident) it was in about five large pieces. Levi noticed this and instantly put his boots back on, walked over to the cracker, and started to crush the thing into the carpet. He was twisting his foot, right to left, left to right, smashing that cracker into the floor like it was the most important job in the world.

When I noticed what he was doing, I natually got upset. Of course, I did the "do not make a mess" talk and the "you are making more work for me" talk. But then I got the vacuum out and had him vacuum up the mess. This brought on all kinds of tears and screams, but in the end, he did vacuum (with help) and cleaned up all the crushed crumbs.

The reason why I tell this story is becasue I had to work again tonight. Clarie dropped a graham cracker, Levi saw it... and what did he do? He picked it up and threw it in the garbage! WOW!

I guess that kids really do learn! At least this time.

1 comment:

James Marcel Patras said...

He would have learned faster if you used a bigger stick to beat him, we all know you do, most are too scared to mention it. Not Me!