Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fruit Fly Conspiracy

I do not like fruit flies. I never have. There is something terribly annoying about their tiny bodies secretly devouring my fruit. About six months ago we had a serious outbreak and Levi was my murderer in crime. He got really good at clapping his hands at the precise moment and terminating bug life. Our clapping, combined with a banana slice sealed in a jar, was a success, and it has been awhile since those things have been in my kitchen. 

Until this morning. Levi spotted him first. Buzzing over the bananas; delicately landing on the apples. Levi apparently had lost his fruit fly killing abilities, because that bug was annoying me several minutes later. 

I overheard Levi instructing Claire on the fine art of fruit fly killing. This is what he told her:

"Okay, Bitty, what you do is you wait real still, then you see the fruit fly, then you crap on him!"

Translation: "You CLAP on him."

They are both downstairs searching for the fly. I hope they find him. And his 10,000 siblings. 


Aaron said...


The Murray's said...

hahahhahahahahahhahahahahaaa! crap on them...... hahahahaa

My Three Sons said...

if you put some apple cider vinegar and liquid soap in a cup they will come to drink then die! I am pretty sure thats the concoction - something that will attract them then a little bit of poisen! its works everytime for me... try it. maybe even a little bit of honey or honey in a cup..

The Knight Family said...

That is a good idea. They like red wine too. Sometimes I have left out a cup that I did not finish drinking, and the next morning there are little bugs in the cup.