Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Attempt at Menu Planning

I think each Lent/Advent I have the best of intentions of posting our weekly menus. I like to see what others cook for these seasons, and perhaps, somebody will be interested in what I make. Our family rang in Lent with strep throat, ear infections, sinus infections, rashes and colds. So last week we were in pure survival mode.

But today, I did sit down, plan my weekly meals and go grocery shopping before I had to pick up C from preschool. I only spent $107! And that includes alcohol! Whoot!

Monday: New York Goodwiches
Tuesday: Sauerkraut Dogs
Roasted Potatoes
Fruit Salad
Wednesday: Potluck @ church
Thursday: Corn Chowder (yes! this is vegan and delicious!)
Green Salad
Friday: Mujadarrah (a Indian dish: caramelized onions over lentils, over rice. YUM)
Green Salad


Becca said...

I remember that you had New York Goodwiches last year for lent. This is a sandwich I definitely need to try. I'm especially interested in your lentil dish. What spices are you putting into that dish? I would be so happy if you posted your menus more than just once a year.

Christine said...

Will you post the corn chowder recipe?

Monica said...

Hope your all feeling better!!! I always like to see what other people are having, love to get ideas.