Saturday, November 20, 2010

New York Goodwich

Perhaps one of my favorite Lenten dinners, and, simultaneously, one of Josh's least favorite. Maybe it is the bbq'ed onions? I don't know!

This recipe comes from "The American Vegetarian Cookbook from the Fit For Life Kitchen" by Marilyn Diamond. She is totally vegan. She is not Orthodox. I love this cookbook.

Marilyn writes: "the goodwich is actually an edible plate. Whatever your heart desires goes in layers on a soft, hot whole-wheat tortilla or chapati, which is then rolled burrito-style and eaten end to end."

In her cookbook she give lots of variations of goodwiches, I just happen to like the New York style.

First job is to prepare all the insides of your goodwich. The New York has:
steamed broccoli & cauliflower
shredded carrot and red cabbage
dill pickles
1 onion sauteed in bbq sauce

Once everything is ready, you make your goodwich. Heat your tortilla, spread mayo down the middle and then pile everything in like a burrito. Super yum!

**Josh just read over my shoulder and said his disdain for this recipe has nothing to do with the bbq onions. It is "the awful combination of onions, pickles, and mayo." Hum. Looks like that's what we are having for dinner tonight! Bwaha ha ha!


Carrie McCoy said...

Sounds....interesting? :)
I maye end up siding with Josh on this one!

The Knight Family said...

Ha! I know, it does take commitment to make this recipe. I will get the other one posted for you soon! It was pretty good too!