Friday, May 30, 2008

A Clean House

I got strep throat this weekend. Yes, I know. Totally lame. Perhaps the lamest thing about me being sick is how dirty my house gets so quickly. This time I took careful notes. I watched my three cohabitants. Did they pick up after themselves? Did they step over trash or actually pick it up? Do they put things away after playing/using it?

After some very scientific data gathering, I have concluded several things:

1. Levi is cleaner than Josh (no that is not a typo)
2. Claire is cleaner than Josh (again, not another typo)
3. Josh is really sloppy

Poor guy, I really do complain to him ALL THE TIME about picking up after himself, but this weekend is when I realized that he has actually been surpassed by his two children. And Claire is only 17 months old. Kind of sad really. I blame his mom.


The Labrecque Family said...

That's too funny...

Jessica Thompson said...

Just to make you feel a LITTLE better, at least Josh wasn't raised with servants AND a mother who never let her only child lift a finger! That being said, slobby men SUCK. :( And I am sorry you are sick. We miss you guys!

James Marcel Patras said...

I hope you get better sis. I know how bad our house gets if mom doesn't clean. No one picks up after themselves here. For serious.

The Murray's said...

I think that's every husband... Really, Paul's awefull! Although, he does most of the laundry for me, so that makes up for all the crap he leaves around the house! :)

Get well soon Naomi!